Microgreens Benefits

Delicious & Nutritious
Simply Fresh Microgreens is an indoor urban farm located in Broomfield, Colorado. For now we sell direct to our clients and also available online. In the future we plan to partner with local restaurants, grocery stores, and distributors in the front range.
Current farming practices have adverse environmental impacts, such as wasteful use of freshwater, high use of fossil fuels, and contamination of the soil.
One of the greatest movements in agriculture has been the growing popularity of locally sourced, sustainable food.
In particular, indoor hydroponic farming can fill current and future food needs while reducing adverse environmental impacts and other challenges associated with traditional farming methods.
Some Of The Many Benefits:

High In Nutrition
Nutrition Levels Microgreens pack a nutritional punch. They often contain higher concentrations of micronutrients than their full-sized counterparts.

Antioxidants Microgreens are a great source of antioxidants, which help to reduce inflammation.

Full Of Vitamins
Vitamins Microgreens are abundant in Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K.Antioxidants Microgreens are a great source of antioxidants, which help to reduce inflammation

Rich In Minerals
Minerals Microgreens are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, and iron.

Polyphenols Microgreens have high concentrations of this anti-inflammatory molecule, helping to reduce diabetes and forms of heart disease.

CONTAIN Carotenoids
Carotenoids These are the molecules that give plants their brighter hues. Microgreens are rich in this antioxidant.